Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Neutralizer #1: No Instructions

The first of the devil's deceptions in neutralizing the Elders of Israel in the Freedom battle is: "We really haven't received much instruction about freedom"

This is a lie, for we have been warned time and time again. President David O. McKay issues very solemn warnings on this. For a good summary of prophetic warnings on freedom from Joseph Smith to David O. McKay, I recommend the book "Prophets, Principles, and National Survival." This book was even recommended by President Benson in General Conference. Beyond that, I recommend the talks of President Benson especially.

Another form of this deception is "The prophets of today aren't saying anything about this." The notion that we only act if a prophet of today reaffirms a truth is patently false, when one considers that the scriptures contain the words of deceased prophets -- the Bible and Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great Price of long-dead, whereas the Doctrine and Covenants of dead prophets of more recent times. Furthermore, the words of the prophets given in general conferences as well as in official pronouncements are scripture, and may be found in conference reports, old copies of the Ensign. In addition, are the non-canonical writings and teachings of the prophets. While each prophet may have a different prophetic role and emphasis, this does not mean that with each new prophet we immediately discard all previous teachings and start anew.

Finally, in all we do, we should follow the Spirit. I testify that there are plentiful teachings about the importance of freedom in the Plan both in the scriptures and warnings to awake to perils to Freedom. I know from firsthand experience that the Spirit testifies of the truthfulness of these teachings. And such Spiritual confirmations are not limited to just the teachings of prophets, scriptural or otherwise. There are also writings of good men some of whom may not even be members of the church, which when read will be accompanied by a confirmation of the Spirit. An example of this is when I read the writings of Frederic Bastiat, such as The Law and That Which is Seen and That Which is Not Seen. The spirit testifies of *all* truth.


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