What's the De-Neutralize Zone?
I guess some explanantion is in order as to the title of my blog -- the DeNeutralize Zone?
I believe that the prophets have clearly stated that it will be the elders of Israel who will step forward to help save the Constitution.
However, many of the prophecies referring to America's preservation are conditional. That is, if we do our duty we can be preserved, and if not, then we shall be destroyed. This means that a good deal of the responsibility lies with the Priesthood of this Church as to what happens to America and as to how much tragedy can be avoided if we act now.
I believe if we would do our homework and were faithful, we could step forward right now and help save this country. The sad fact is; most of us are unprepared to do it. And why are so unprepared? Sadly, I believe sadly that the devil has concentrated his effort, to a large extent successfully, in neutralizing much of the priesthood.
How has he accomplished this? Well, there are two unrighteous ways to deal with the numerous prophetic statements of warning: you can fight them or you can ignore them. Either course brings disaster in the long run.
I believe that by and large, most of the priesthood doesn't fight against the prophets warnings; rather, they simply ignore them. This site will be a place to analyze some of the fallacies and lies that Satan uses to deceive us, to lull us to sleep. Here are a few of them I can list right off: (In a future post, I intend to address them each individually and in depth, and why I believe they are lies)
manage time better
this didn't fly in the war in heaven
you might wait till heck freezes over
I'm glad George Washington didn't say this
this is "carnal security" see 2 Nephi 28:21
might never happen. "Be not compelled in all things"
I will admit, that there are times when #6 gets to me. When I get feeling overwhelmed, and that there's nothing I personally can do to stave off the constant onslaught of wickedness, war, homosexuality, divorce, immorality, violence, etc. etc. I sometimes feel like 'calling it quits' as far as any efforts to 'save the world, if only a little', and just clam up and climb into a safe little shell of making sure my own family is righteous, that I'm doing my church calling, and the Lord will protect us, and the rest of the world be damned. But I truly believe the prophets have warned us that we *must* stand and warn our neighbors (see previous post).
But I digress. Back to the title. Basically, most of the Priesthood has been lulled to sleep and **neutralized** by Satan's deceptions. This blog is for quotes and other tidbits that I hope will help others to AWAKE and de-neutralize.
The political issue of the war in heaven was the freedom issue. We must all take part. Indeed, we all are taking part in the struggle, whether we will or not.
The valient entered the struggle with Michael. Those who support only the popular principles of the gospel have their reward.
And those who want to lead the quiet, retiring life but still expect to do their full duty can't have it both ways.
said Elder John A. Widtsoe:
"The troubles of the world may largely be laid at the door of those who are neither hot nor cold; who always follow the line of least resistance; whose timid hearts flutter at taking sides for truth. As in the great Council in the heaven, so in the Church of Christ on earth, there can be no neutrality."
To begin with, the Lord will not protect us unless we do our part. This tactic of persuading people not to get concerned because the Lord will protect them no matter what they do is devilish and is exposed by the Book of Mormon.
It says, "And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, and they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well - and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell." (2 Nephi 28:21)
I like that word "carefully." In other words, don't shake them, you might awake them. But the Book of Mormon warns us that when we should see these murderous conspiracies in our midst that we should awake to our awful situation.
**Now why should we awake if the Lord is going to take care of us anyway?**
Now let us suppose that it is too late to save freedom. It is still accounted unto us for righteousness' sake to stand up and fight. Some Book of Mormon prophets knew of the final, desolate end of their nations, but they still fought on, and they saved some souls including their own by so doing.
For, after all, the purpose of life is to prove ourselves and the final victory will be for freedom.
When the Elders hold up these principles to the world from the walls of Zion, who who do you think would be in the forefront to get it moving? It would not be those who were sitting on the sidelines prior to that time or those who were appeasing the enemy. It would be those choice spirits who, not waiting to be "commanded in all things," used their own free will, the counsel of the prophets, and the Spirit of the Lord as guidelines and who entered the battle "in a good cause" and brought to pass much righteousness in freedom's cause.
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